EC Fan-Addict Magazine  (2004)

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Key Facts

60-page fanzine named after the Fan-Addict Fan Club and Convention

Interior includes an article about the horror genre in comics, Graham Ingels and an article title 'The Rarest EC of Them All?'

Key Facts

74-page fanzine named after the Fan-Addict Fan Club and Convention

Interior includes previously unseen artwork by iconic horror artists, an article about Frank Frazetta's youth and first work

Key Facts

74-page fanzine named after the Fan-Addict Fan Club and Convention

Interior includes an article about Frank Frazetta's early comic career, the death of EC publisher and early comics pioneer Max Gaines in a boating accident plus a tribute to artist Roy Krenkel

Key Facts

74-page fanzine named after the Fan-Addict Fan Club and Convention

Interior includes an article about Frank Frazetta's work on comic strips, a Wally Wood diorama and the artist's last work for MAD Magazine plus an EC art exhibit

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