Dread of Night  (1991)

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Hamilton ⋅ 1991


Key Facts

Final cover illustration by L.B. Cole

💀 MATRIX COMIX: Buried in this obscure horror magazine title from Hamilton is the final cover produced by the Golden Age master, Leonard Brandt Cole before his death in 1995

Although not as startling as his earliest work, the ageing artist manages to produce a spooky scene featuring a decomposing zombie escaping his grave

However, Cole’s cover is actually a swipe from artist Mike Roberts (tap cover and swipe to view) found on the obscure horror one-shot/coloring book, Grave Tales, published by Wonderful Publishing Company in 1974 and limited to 1,000 numbered copies

It’s unclear what Cole’s relationship was, if any, to cover artist Roberts who is best known for his work on Death Rattle from Kitchen Sink Comix

What is clear is that Cole worked on his craft for his entire life and in the end, revisited the horror genre which helped to establish his early career and legacy

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