Captain America Comics  (1941)

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Key Facts

1st appearance and origin of Captain America

1st appearance of James Buchanan Barnes aka Bucky, later becomes the Winter Soldier

1st appearance of the Red Skull, George Maxon, an agent of the true Red Skull

1st appearance of Doctor Reinstein aka Doctor Erskine, the inventor of the Super Soldier serum

1st appearance of Hurricane, later becomes Makkari

1st appearance of Tuk the Cave Boy, first offspring of the Inhumans

Introduction of Project Rebirth, the Super Soldier Program that eventually expanded into Weapon Plus

💰 In April 2022, a 9.4 sold for $3,120,000 (San Francisco Pedigree)

Marvel ⋅ 1941

Values Coming Soon

Key Facts

1st appearance of Ra the Avenger


Key Facts

1st appearance and origin of Black Talon, a painter who became a killer after having his crushed hand replaced by an executed murderer's hand


Key Facts

Introduction of the Microverse, the subatomic world

Drug use: Captain America drinks liquid opium and loses consciousness in an effort to battle a demon on a different plane

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