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Publisher |
DC |
Artist |
Curt Swan |
Writer |
Jack Miller |
Writer |
Jack Schiff |
Writer |
Edmond Hamilton |
Artist |
Sheldon Moldoff |
Artist |
Howard Purcell |
Cover Artist |
Curt Swan |
Letterer |
Ira Schnapp |
Published | May 1966 |
The Abominable Brats (part 1) The Abominable Brats part 2: The Costumed Kids' Capers "A great imaginary novel" starring Superman and Batman that is a sequel to the story in issue #154. Written by Edmond HamiltonWhy are Kal-El Jr. and Bruce Wayne Jr. acting so bratty so suddenly? (They even go so far as to help crooks!) You'd swear they were replaced by someone else! And what do Mxyztplk Jr. and Bat-Mite Jr. have to do in all this? Health Myths Debunked! (public service message / written by Jack Schiff) The Secret of Cell 16 (Editors' Round Table choice / written by Jack Miller : reprinted from: Tales of the Unexpected #1) Cap's Hobby Hints (by Henry Boltinoff)