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Publisher |
Marvel |
Artist |
Bob Layton |
Writer |
Various Writers |
Published | August 1982 |
All humor issue, featuring wacky alternate realities of the Marvel Universe.What If the Watcher were a stand-up comedian?What If the Fantastic Four were bananas?What If Odin were Peter Parker's uncle?What If Don Blake and Tony Stark were brothers?What If Aunt May were Ant Man?What If Spider-Man married Spider-Woman?What If Reed Richards took postman Willie Lumpkin up on his offer to join the Fantastic Four?What If Captain America chose to remain Nomad, the Man Without a Country, instead of taking back the identity of the Star-Spangled Avenger, as he did in the established reality?What If at some point, Rick Jones decided to leave Captain Marvel in the Negative Zone, never to return to Earth again?What If Nick Fury had to wear an eyepatch on his right eye instead of his left eye?What If Ghost Rider had possessed someone else?What If everyone who'd ever been an Avenger had remained an Avenger?What If Him married Her?What If Black Bolt got the hiccups?What If Galactus ate the Earth?What If Ka-Zar were a middle-aged accountant instead of a savage?What If the Hulk were yellow?What If the Invisible Girl dyed her hair?What If Power Man were white?What If the Thing were blue?What If Captain Marvel hadn't died?What If Phoenix still lived?What If Elektra had survived?What If Dazzler had become a stand-up comedienne instead of a singer?What If Marvel Comics and the National Endowment for the Art presented Spidey Intellectual Stories?What If Willie Lumpkin were herald to Galactus?What If Ghost Rider own a fast food franchise?What If all the Super-Heroes who now live in New York City moved to Toledo, Ohio?What If the Watchers in all the realities got together and watched Watchers watching Watchers watching Watchers watching Watchers watching Watchers watching Watchers watching Watchers watching Watchers?What If Howard the Duck formed his own super-team?What If Thor had a Swedish accent?What If Cyclops's energy beams came out of his ears?What If Wonder Man were a woman -- and Power...