Venom: Space Knight #1

Marvel ⋅ 2016

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Key Facts

Flash Thompson as Venom Space Knight

1st appearance of 803, Venom's robot sidekick

Issue Details




Ariel Olivetti


Robbie Thompson

Cover Artist

Ariel Olivetti


January 2016


BROKEN PLAYS, CHAPTER ONE IN SPACE, NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM...WITH EXCITEMENT! Flash Thompson is a lot of things. Soldier. Veteran. Doubleamputee. Host to a powerful alien symbiote. Now, apart from the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, Flash has also been tasked with being an intergalactic ambassador of Earth and an Agent of the Cosmos. What does that mean? It means Flash Thompson will be what he's always wanted to be: A BIG. DAMN. HERO. It's high adventure in deep space as Venom swashbuckles his way across the universe!

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