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Publisher |
Marvel |
Letterer |
Richard Starkings |
Inker |
Mark Morales |
Colorist |
Hi-Fi |
Letterer |
Comicraft |
Writer |
Joe Casey |
Cover Artist |
Ariel Olivetti |
Artist |
Aaron Lopresti |
Published | March 2002 |
"Lurking" The secret of the X-Corp revealed!� The X-Men have witnessed firsthand the power and militarism of Banshee's squad, and they don't like what they see!� Their onetime teammate has recruited known criminals and their methods are decidedly less tolerant than those of the X-Men. �Now, they learn how Banshee has recruited outlaws such as Blob and Avalanche to his cause, �and it may cause a permanent rift between them! And is that Jubilee on the cover?!