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Publisher |
DC |
Writer |
Bob Rozakis |
Inker |
Frank Chiaramonte |
Colorist |
Adrienne Roy |
Cover Artist |
Ross Andru |
Writer |
Cary Bates |
Artist |
Curt Swan |
Artist |
Denys Cowan |
Inker |
Joe Giella |
Colorist |
Phil Rachelson |
Letterer |
Ben Oda |
Letterer |
Milt Snapinn |
Published | March 1981 |
Cover pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Dick Giordano. Food For a God, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Frank Chiaramonte; Superman tries to save Vartox from being sacrificed to a space monster. The Troublemaker of New Metropolis starring Superman 2020, script by Bob Rozakis, pencils by Denys Cowan, inks by Joe Giella; while coping with weather-related disasters, Superman III finds that he is the root of the problem