Silver Surfer: The Ultimate Cosmic Experience #1

Marvel ⋅ 1978

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Key Facts

First original graphic novel published by Marvel Comics, co-published by Simon & Schuster imprint, Fireside Books

Final collaboration by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby

132-page story that takes place in an alternate reality where the Silver Surfer rebels against Galactus to save the planet from destruction

In 1976, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby were approached by movie producer Lee Kramer to create a comic book that would serve as a pitch story for a rock opera feature film starring Olivia Newton-John and bodybuilder, Frank Zane

Painted cover art by Earl Norem, based on a sketch by Jack Kirby

The only other story that takes place in this alternate reality is the two-issue, 1988 Silver Surfer story titled 'Parable'

Issue Details




Jack Kirby


Stan Lee


January 1978


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