Robin #124


DC ⋅ 2004


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Issue Details




Bill Willingham


Aaron Sowd


Guy Major


Nick J. Napolitano

Cover Artist

Jason Pearson


March 2004


GOOD PARENTING Jack and Dana go to Tim's parent-teacher conferences where Jack thanks the football coach for letting Tim tryout, only to learn that Tim didn't tryout. Jack wonders where Tim got that black eye from.  Tim blames himself for Johnny Warren's apparent death, even three months later, and he is unsure whether he wants to continue as Robin. He is doing worse in training, and Bruce has grown tired of him using that excuse. Tim believes Bruce has lost faith in him, but Bruce says he lost faith because Tim started slacking off. Bruce gives Tim a day or two to decide whether he wants to put in the work to remain Robin.   Jack and Dana return to their house where Jack rips apart Tim's room to discover why he has been lying to them. Dana insists Tim is "sweet" and "innocent" and blames Stephanie for being a bad influence. Jack discovers the false panel in the back of Tim's closet where he finds the Robin costume and Tim's war journals.   Tim visits Stephanie, who has a broken leg, and takes her out for a walk. Stephanie persuades Tim that continuing as Robin is the right thing to do.   In Istanbul, Johnny Warlock hires the assassin Scarab to kill Robin.   Jack visits Bruce Wayne and demands that he return his son to him. And just in case Bruce doesn't believe he's serious, he points a gun at his former neighbor's head.

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