Lady Death II: Between Heaven and Hell #4

Chaos! Comics ⋅ 1995

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Key Facts

1st appearance of Vassago, Lady Death's Warhorse

Issue Details


Chaos! Comics


Steven Hughes


Brian Pulido


June 1995


Lady Death has given in to Lucifer and been transformed into Lady Demon; In her new demonic form, she banishes Purgatori back to the last place she wants to go--earth; As she prepares herself for a little intimate time with her new master, Lady Death's mother appears and chastises her daughter for her actions; Finding renewed will and purpose, Lady Death reverts back to her old, pale self and creates angelic armor with which to battle Lucifer; She kicks him through the Gates of Heaven and finally destroys her most hated foe. Continued in Lady Death III: The Odyssey (Chaos! Comics, 1996 series) #1 1st appearance of Vassago, Lady Death's Warhorse

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