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Publisher |
DC |
Writer |
Keith Giffen |
Writer |
William Messner-Loebs |
Inker |
Pablo Marcos |
Colorist |
Gene D'Angelo |
Letterer |
Bob Lappan |
Artist |
Bart Sears |
Published | January 1990 |
"After the Fox!" At a fundraiser presented by Bruce Wayne and Vivian D'Aramis, both secretly heroes, the globe wherein the donated money is being kept begins to tick. A bomb explodes and the large ball rolls out of the gala and is caught by thieves Alphonse and Gaston who fly off in their helicopter. Batman can not escape to change into his costume but Vivian manages to jump onto the hanging globe. Batman signals for League assistance. Inside the Justice League Embassy Power Girl (recovering from her injuries[1]) is being tested by Captain Atom as the others watch. A large boom directs their attention outside where they are showered by money and spot the thieves escaping with Crimson Fox in tow. Vivian brings the helicopter down...right into Captain Atom's room. Inside again, the thieves are trapped between the League members and Vivian and surrender, Captain Atom surveys his room and Batman deals with the police investigator outside. When Captain Atom threatens to blame Crimson Fox, Batman reminds him that a French member may be beneficial to the JLE and he offers Crimson Fox a place on it, though she refuses. A few days later, though, a new bed arrives courtesy of the Fox with a note attached saying that she will accept his invitation.