Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #24


Marvel ⋅ 2007

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Key Facts

One More Day part two, continues in Sensational Spider-Man #41

Issue Details




Joe Quesada


J. Michael Straczynski


November 2007


SPIDER-MAN: ONE MORE DAY, PART 2 OF 4:  THE OTHER SIDE OF DARKNESS One More Day continues as J. Michael Straczynski and Joe Quesada present Part 2 of what will be the most talked-about comic event of the year. The stakes have never been higher for Peter Parker. At his darkest hours—and he's had plenty—Peter has always had one shoulder to lean on, one person who'd remind him who he is, who he was, and who he can be. Now he's about to lose that person. What would he do...what would you do, if you only had "One More Day?" PLUS: Director's Cut style extras! CONTINUED IN SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN #41 .

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