Detective Comics #564


DC ⋅ 1986


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Issue Details




Gene Colan


Joey Cavalieri


Doug Moench

Cover Artist

Gene Colan


Bob Smith


Adrienne Roy


John Costanza

Cover Artist

Anthony Tollin

Cover Artist

Dick Giordano


July 1986


DOUBLE CROSSES Circe, the former model who had her face disfigured by Black Mask, pretends to use Two-Face to gain her revenge, but in reality, she is trying to set him up for a plan divorced by Batman to reactivate his good side. Two-Face tells Circe he would consider the offer, but only after his already planned crime takes place on Tuesday, two days after their meeting.   After learning of this developments, Batman starts working to deduce Two-Face's crime in order to thwart it and force him to accept his partnership with Circe. While Batman does his investigation, Jason neglects his job as Robin and Catwoman learns about Batman's plans by spying on him.  When the time comes, Two-Face's crime is set in motion and Batman arrives to the crime scene, forcing Two-Face to leave the place, but not before he has forced Batman into a death trap. Once the criminal is gone, Batman is saved by Catwoman, who is disguised as Circe and learns of Batman's lack of trust in her or any of his partners, damaging their recently resumed relationship.   Back in his hideout, Two-Face destroys the binary computers that he had been using to choose his crimes and decides to accept Circe's partnership. THIS MASQUERADE When Mayor Bolt threatens action against drug dealers, pusher Marty Costa tells his men to go ahead with a snatch attempt on Bruce, the mayor's son. Green Arrow and Black Canary go to Bolt's house to prevent such an occurrence, but Bolt becomes Steelclaw and fells Black Canary, while Green Arrow is blasted by a booby trap within Bolt's mansion. As Costa's gang draw guns on Steelclaw and the unconscious Canary, elsewhere Onyx appears to her harborer Tommy.

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