Dark Tower: Battle of Jericho Hill #1


Marvel ⋅ 2010

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Key Facts

Prequel series continuing the story from Dark Tower: Fall of Gilead comprised of mostly original material, not directly adapted from the novels

đź“– Reading Order: Battle of Jericho Hill #1 - #5, then The Journey Begins

Between this comic series and The Gunslinger - The Journey Begins, Dark Tower events occur in novels, The Eyes of the Dragon and The Talisman

Issue Details




Luke Ross


Peter David


February 2010


Beginning a bold new story arc featuring Roland Deschain and his beleaguered ka-tet on the run following the complete destruction of their beloved city of Gilead! And when such as Gilead falls, the pillars of reality itself—the six beams holding all of existence together—begins to crumble. The satanic plan of the Crimson King to return all of existence to the primal state of chaos is nigh. Plus, just in time for the fun, it's the return of master storyteller Jae Lee to the role of penciler! Don't miss it.

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