Conan the Barbarian #100

Marvel ⋅ 1979

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Key Facts

Death of Belit

Issue Details




John Buscema


Roy Thomas


July 1979


Belit's dead body inside the TigressConan and Belit reach aboard the Tigress their pirate ship flow down the western sea in search of a mythical treasure. Conan has a bad premonition. Belit reassures him saying that she will protect him even after she dies if he ever gets in mortal danger. Then suddenly the ship gets attacked by a giant two headed snake which devours one of the men. Conan attacks the monster and repels it after it got his man. After a while they find the island where the treasure is hidden. They see an abandoned tower and a huge, winged creature looming above it. N'Yaga the ships sage tells them that it is the shadow of the legendary man-ape who dwells in the tower. Conan and his companions reach the tower and find that in front of it lies a huge stone with four handles. Conan tries to lift it but then Belit pretends that she hears something. Conan rushes to her side only to avoid a rock avalanche that kills the four men that lifted the monolith. Conan and the Tigress crew clear the rubble and find a huge treasure underneath it. They head towards their ship. Then Conan gets attacked by a black lotus plant and falls unconscious.Conan sees a terrible vision while being unconscious. In it he sees winged men that used to tread the earth long before mankind. Devastated earthquakes and other natural disasters ravaged earth and these men became shadows of themselves. The last of them, a hideous ape shaped creature was left to roam a deserted land. After that the scene swifts and Conan sees his men arriving on the scene. Over them the hideous man ape looms in the sky. He then wakes up and looks around.Conan shouts for his crew. He sees one of them in a mad state. The crewman attacks him and Conan is forced to slay him. Then Conan proceeds to the ship to watch a terrible scene. His crew members are all dead and Belit hangs from a golden necklace. Conan makes decides to cremate her dead body along with the ship.Then he returns to face the monster. He kills all...

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