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Publisher |
DC |
Letterer |
Aditya Bidikar |
Colorist |
Dave Stewart |
Writer |
Dan Watters |
Artist |
Dani |
Cover Artist |
Yasmine Putri |
Published | November 2021 |
CHAPTER 2 Dr. Jacosta Joy, Arkhams last living psychiatrist, continues her descent into the Ten-Eyed Mans world of delusion. But are his claims of ghosts and ritual purely figments of his imagination, or is there a method to his madness? Meanwhile, Dr. Double X, a man with the ability to project his soul outside of his own body, has been taken prisoner by a very friendly couple who have discovered that his powers of astral projection can be used on others&and they are addictive. But when Azrael appears in this den of sin, will anyone be safe from his cleansing fire?� Join us on our second trip into the darkest corners of Gotham City and bear witness to the foul creatures, Arkhamite and Gothamite alike, that call them home.