Action Comics #583

DC ⋅ 1986

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Key Facts

Written by Alan Moore titled "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" part 2

1st full appearance of Jonathan Elliot, the super-powered baby son of Superman and Lois in an alternate reality where the Clark Kent identity was revealed and changed to Jordan Elliot

Story continued from Superman #423 where Jonathan makes a one panel appearance, unnamed

Issue Details




Murphy Anderson


Alan Moore


September 1986


WHATEVER HAPPEND TO THE MAN OF TOMORROW? Lois continues to relate how when Superman was holed up in the Fortress with his closest friends, being attacked by Brainiac (having taken over Luthor's body), the Kryptonite Man, and the Legion of Super-Villains, he realized who the mastermind behind it all was, and called on Mr. Mxyzptlk to show himself; Just as Superman sent Mxyzptlk into the Phantom Zone, Mxy fled to his own dimension, tearing himself apart; Having taken a life, Superman exposed himself to gold kryptonite and retired. CONTINUED FROMĀ  SUPERMAN #423

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