BATS (G.I. Joe)

Creation & Design

The B.A.T.S. were created as a response to the need for disposable soldiers in the G.I. Joe universe, designed to be mass-produced and used in combat situations.

Early Years

Initially introduced in the late 1980s, B.A.T.S. quickly became a staple of Cobra's forces, often deployed in large numbers against G.I. Joe.

Character Development

Over the years, B.A.T.S. have evolved from simple combat drones to more complex androids capable of strategic thinking and adaptation in battle.

Cultural Reception

B.A.T.S. have been well-received by fans for their unique design and role in the G.I. Joe mythos, often seen as a symbol of Cobra's relentless nature.

Character Details

Real Name:
B.A.T., Battle Android Trooper
Cobra, Cobra Commander
Combat proficiency, Self-repair, Advanced targeting systems
Laser weapons, Explosives, Cyborg enhancements
6' 0"
Eye Color:
Hair Color:

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Key Facts

1st appearance of Dr. Mindbender, as Dr. Brainwave

1st appearance of Crank-Case, driver of the Striker

1st appearance of Bazooka, missile specialist

1st appearance of Airtight, high-conflict specialist

1st appearance of Heavy Metal, tank operator

1st appearance of B.A.T.S, Cobra android trooper

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