Atom Smasher

Creation & Design

Atom Smasher was created by writer Roy Thomas and artist Jerry Ordway, first appearing in the early 1980s as a member of the All-Star Squadron.

Early Years

Initially introduced as Nuklon, he was a member of Infinity Inc. and later adopted the name Atom Smasher, reflecting his ability to manipulate his size and mass.

Character Development

Over the years, Atom Smasher has evolved from a side character in the Infinity Inc. series to a prominent member of the Justice Society, showcasing his growth and struggles with his powers and identity.

Cultural Reception

Atom Smasher has been well-received by fans for his unique abilities and connection to the legacy of the Justice Society.

Character Details

Real Name:
Albert Rothstein
Nuklon, Atom Smasher
Justice Society of America, Infinity Inc., Justice League
Size manipulation, Superhuman strength, Durability
6' 0"
Eye Color:
Hair Color:

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Key Facts

1st team appearance of Infinity Inc: Brainwave Jr., Fury, Jade, Northwind, Nuklon, Obsidian, Silver Scarab

1st appearance of Obsidian, the son of Alan Scott and Rose aka Thorn

1st appearance of Silver Scarab, Hector Hall, the son of the Golden Age Hawkman and Hawkgirl

1st appearance of Jade, briefly becomes Earth's Green Lantern

1st appearance of Nuklon, later becomes Atom-Smasher


Key Facts

Superman forms the new Justice League

1st appearance of Red Arrow, alternate reality identity of Roy Harper

1st appearance of Red Tornado, Maxine Hunkel, the granddaughter of Red Tornado, in an alternate reality

1st appearance of Atom Smasher, in an alternate reality, death in Kingdom Come #4


Key Facts

1st cameo appearance of the second Star-Spangled Kid, Courtney Whitmore, later becomes Stargirl

1st cameo appearance of Hawkgirl

1st cameo appearance of Nuklon as Atom Smasher

All appear on final page, unnamed, in a team pose

Key Facts

1st appearance of the second Hawkgirl, Kendra Saunders

Death of the original Sandman, Wesley Dodds

Nuklon becomes Atom Smasher

DC ⋅ 1999


Key Facts

Series referenced by Geoff Johns as the inspiration for the Stargirl series

2nd full appearance of Atom Smasher

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