Ghost Rider, the Nightstalkers, Doctor Strange, Morbius and the rest of The Nine battle the Mother of Demons, Lilith and her children, The Lilin

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Key Facts

Retailer promotional preview with sketch art featuring the following issues, published in 1992 for the Rise of the Midnight Sons crossover:

Ghost Rider #28 and #29 - cover and interiors

Spirits of Vengeance #1 - cover and pin-up

Morbius #1 - cover and pin-up

Darkhold 1 - cover and pin-ups

Nightstalkers #1 - cover and pin-up

Also includes poster inserts and trading card illustrations

Marvel ⋅ 1992


Key Facts

1st cameo team appearance of The Nine aka the Midnight Sons: Ghost Rider (Ketch), Johnny Blaze, Morbius, Blade, Hannibal King, Frank Drake, Sam Buchanan, Victoria Montesi, Louise Hastings

1st appearance of the Caretaker

1st appearance of Lilith, mother of demons

1st appearance of Meatmarket, offspring of Lilith

[July 2021 - reports that Marvel registered the LLC, Richmond Street Productions for a streaming series leading speculators to believe that it is a reference to the location of the cemetery where Dan Ketch was resurrected as the Ghost Rider / July 2022 - Midnight Sons was trademarked by Marvel along with other titles that are proven to be official / May 2023 - Mia Goth confirmed to portray Lilith in Blade]

Key Facts

Rise of the Midnight Sons part two of six

Key Facts

First ongoing solo title featuring Morbius

Rise of the Midnight Sons part three of six

Marvel ⋅ 1992


Key Facts

1st full team appearance of the Darkhold Redeemers: Sam Buchanan, Louise Hastings and Dr. Victoria Montesi, the spawn of Chthon who almost became the vessel of his rebirth

Rise of the Midnight Sons part four of six

Marvel ⋅ 1992


Key Facts

First solo title series of the Nightstalkers known as Borderline Investigations who formed in Doctor Strange #67 (1984)

Rise of the Midnight Sons part five of six

Marvel ⋅ 1992


Key Facts

1st full team appearance of the Midnight Sons aka The Nine: Ghost Rider (Ketch), Johnny Blaze, Morbius, Blade, Doctor Strange, Hannibal King, Frank Drake, Victoria Montesi, Louise Hastings, Sam Buchanan

Rise of the Midnight Sons part six of six

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