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Key Facts

1st appearance of Paz Vizsla, a Mandalorian specializing in Heavy Infantry

Marvel ⋅ 1983


Key Facts

1st appearance of a Mythosaur, skeletal remains only - The Mythosaur is a figure in Mandalorian mythology that is used in much of their symbolism including the tusked-skull logo

Issue included the 'Tattooz' giveaway bound between the front cover and first page

Key Variant ⋅ Marvel ⋅ 2022


Key Facts

1st cover appearance of Din Djarin and Grogu on a standard comic book

Key Facts

Debut of the Dark Saber, an ancient weapon

1st appearance of Bo-Katan, becomes leader of Death Watch, in full armor, face not seen

Comic book measures approximately half the size of a standard comic

Key Facts

Final Star Wars series published by Dark Horse and the only canon story that carried over to Marvel

1st appearance of Gar Saxon, commander of the Mandalorian Super Commandos

1st appearance of Rook Kast, a Mandalorian leader of the Shadow Collective

Introduction of the Darksaber in a standard comic book

📖 Reading Order: read Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir #1 - #4, then read Age of Republic - Padme Amidala #1


Key Facts

10-page reference article 'History of the Mandalorians'

Magazine depiction of Ailyn Vel as an adult

Key Facts

1st appearance of Jodo Kast, a bounty hunter who impersonated Boba Fett for a time

Dark Horse ⋅ 2006


Key Facts

1st appearance and death of Darth Maleval, a Quarren Sith Lord known for being sadistic

1st appearance of Hondo Karr, a Mandalorian and ex-stormtrooper

Key Facts

Origin of Jango Fett

1st appearance of Fett, the father of Jango

1st appearance of Darth Tyranus aka Count Dooku, an apprentice of Yoda who turned to the Dark Side and trained under Palpatine (first appearance in an original story)

1st appearance of Jaster Meerel, led the True Mandalorians and clashed with Death Watch

1st appearance of Montross, a Mandalorian turned bounty hunter

1st appearance of Arla Fett, the sister of Jango

1st appearance of Tor Vizsla, a Mandalorian warrior

Key Facts

1st appearance of Fenn Rau, a Mandalorian who once clashed against the rebels but eventually became an ally

Key Facts

Origin of Revan, wages war against the Mandalorians and assimilates a Mandalorian mask

Squint permanently assumes the name Malak, later becomes Darth Malak

According to writer John Jackson Miller and owner of Malak does not fall to the Dark Side. He first appears under the name Squint in KOTOR #0. He first uses the alias Malak in #31. He takes the name Malak permanently in #42, which also has Revan’s origin story


Key Facts

1st appearance of Kal Skirata aka Kal'buir, a Mandalorian instructor of clone commandos in a magazine comic story titled Omega Squad: Targets


Key Facts

1st appearance of Jango Fett

1st appearance of Zam Wesell, a bounty hunter with the ability to shapeshift

Released March 13, 2002

Key Facts

1st appearance of Mandalore the Ultimate, the successor of Mandalore the Indomitable

Key Facts

1st appearance of Mandalore the Indomitable, a Mandalorian warlord

Marvel ⋅ 1980


Key Facts

Standard-sized comic book appearances:

1st appearance of Boba Fett, a bounty hunter

1st cameo appearance of Dengar, Bossk, IG-88 and Zuckuss - bounty hunters

1st cameo appearance of Emperor Palpatine aka Darth Sidious

Debut of Slave I, a pursuit craft

Reprinted from Marvel Comics Super Special Magazine, adaptation of The Empire Strikes Back

Key Facts

1st full appearance of Demagol, a Mandalorian scientist who performed unimaginable experiments on Jedi

1st appearance of Cassus Fett, a brilliant strategist and advisor to Mandalore the Ultimate

1st cameo appearance of Carth Onasi aka Fleet

Identity reveal of Rohlan Dyre, unmasked

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