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Marvel ⋅ 1977


Key Facts

Issues #1 - #6 are an adaptation of 'Star Wars: A New Hope'

1st appearance of Darth Vader

1st appearance of Luke Skywalker

1st appearance of Princess Leia

1st appearance of C-3PO and R2-D2

1st appearance of Grand Moff Tarkin

1st appearance of Beru and Owen Lars

Introduction of Stormtroopers

1st cover appearance of Obi Wan Kenobi and Han Solo (not in story)

📖 Reading Order: read Star Wars (1977) #1 - #6, then Princess Leia #1

Marvel ⋅ 1980


Key Facts

Standard-sized comic book appearances:

1st appearance of Boba Fett, a bounty hunter

1st cameo appearance of Dengar, Bossk, IG-88 and Zuckuss - bounty hunters

1st cameo appearance of Emperor Palpatine aka Darth Sidious

Debut of Slave I, a pursuit craft

Reprinted from Marvel Comics Super Special Magazine, adaptation of The Empire Strikes Back

Key Facts

1st full appearance of Emperor Palpatine aka Darth Sidious in a standard U.S. comic book


Key Facts

Rebirth of Emperor Palpatine aka Darth Sidious

Key Facts

Exar Kun becomes The Dark Lord of the Sith

Ulic Qel-Droma is made into an apprentice of The Dark Lord of the Sith

Key Facts

1st appearance of Darth Maul in an original story, specifically, the events that occured in Episode I, from the perspective of Obi-Wan, related to Yoda


Key Facts

1st appearance of Darth Bane, a Sith Lord who resurrected the ancient Sith practices that had nearly been disgraced and forgotten

1st appearance of Rain, later becomes Darth Zannah

Copies ordered by retailers: 28,680

Key Facts

Origin of Jango Fett

1st appearance of Fett, the father of Jango

1st appearance of Darth Tyranus aka Count Dooku, an apprentice of Yoda who turned to the Dark Side and trained under Palpatine (first appearance in an original story)

1st appearance of Jaster Meerel, led the True Mandalorians and clashed with Death Watch

1st appearance of Montross, a Mandalorian turned bounty hunter

1st appearance of Arla Fett, the sister of Jango

1st appearance of Tor Vizsla, a Mandalorian warrior

Dark Horse ⋅ 2003


Key Facts

Cover appearance of Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress, Palpatine, Queen Zalem

Dark Horse ⋅ 2004


Key Facts

1st appearance of Darth Andeddu, the Immortal God-King of Prakith

Dark Horse ⋅ 2005


Key Facts

1st cameo appearance of Darth Malak, a former Jedi who turned to the Dark Side during the Mandalorian Wars

1st cameo appearance of Darth Revan, an ancient and powerful Jedi Master turned Sith Lord

1st cameo appearance of Bastila Shan, a Jedi Padawan and wife of Revan

[November 2020 - Revan is the front runner from Star Wars speculators to have a role in the Mandalorian although probably not season 2]

Dark Horse ⋅ 2005


Key Facts

1st appearance of Darth Nihilus, a Sith Lord whose consumption of power was so fierce, he became a wound in the force that consumed life simply by being in his presence

1st appearance of Darth Traya, a female Sith Lord who became a Dark Lord of the Sith Triumvirate

Key Facts

1st appearance of Squint, later becomes Darth Malak

1st cover appearance of Jarael

According to writer John Jackson Miller (also the owner of comichron.com): Malak does not fall to the Dark Side in my comics series. He first appears under the name Squint in KOTOR #0. He first uses the alias Malak in #31. He takes the name Malak permanently in #42, which also has Revan’s origin story

Key Facts

1st cameo appearance of Darth Plagueis, an ancient and powerful Sith Lord who pursued the discovery of eternal life - one panel, mostly obscured

Prequel story and origin of Tag & Bink

Dark Horse ⋅ 2006


Key Facts

1st full appearance of Darth Krayt, formerly A'Sharad Hett as revealed in Star Wars Legacy #15

1st appearance of Darth Nihl, a Nagai Warlord before being recruited to become Darth Krayt's enforcer

1st appearance of Darth Maladi, the head of Darth Krayt's strategic agency

1st appearance of the third Darth Wyyrlock, the closest ally of Krayt

1st full appearance of Cade Skywalker and Shado Vao

1st appearance of Wolf Sazen, Jedi Master to Cade and Shado

1st appearance of Moff Morlish Veed

2nd cover appearance of Darth Talon

Copies ordered by retailers: 38,007

Dark Horse ⋅ 2006


Key Facts

1st in-story appearance of Darth Talon, appeared on cover of #0

1st appearance of Marasiah Fel, a princess of the Fel Dynasty

1st appearance of Deliah Blue, a companion of Cade Skywalker

1st appearance of Jariah Syn, a bounty hunter

1st appearance of Darth Ruyn, a Twi'lek Sith Lord

Dark Horse ⋅ 2006


Key Facts

1st appearance and death of Darth Maleval, a Quarren Sith Lord known for being sadistic

1st appearance of Hondo Karr, a Mandalorian and ex-stormtrooper

Dark Horse ⋅ 2007


Key Facts

1st full appearance and death of Darth Kruhl

Dark Horse ⋅ 2007


Key Facts

1st appearance of Darth Stryfe, a high-ranking Sith Lord under Darth Krayt's 'One Sith' regime

Dark Horse ⋅ 2007


Key Facts

1st appearance and origin of the first Darth Wyyrlok

Dark Horse ⋅ 2008


Key Facts

1st appearance of Darth Azard, a Quarren Dark Lord of the Sith who wields a double-bladed lightsaber

Dark Horse ⋅ 2008


Key Facts

1st appearance of Darth Reave, a Devaronian who served under Darth Krayt's One Sith

Dark Horse ⋅ 2010


Key Facts

1st appearance of Darth Rauder, a high ranking commander under Darth Krayt

Dark Horse ⋅ 2010


Key Facts

1st appearance of Darth Havok, a Sith Inquisitor who was once an Imperial Knight but left to serve Darth Krayt

1st appearance of Darth Yuln, a female Sith who served under Darth Krayt's Sith Order

1st appearance of Darth Bokar, a male Sith who served under Darth Krayt's Sith Order


Key Facts

1st appearance of Darth Angral, a Sith Lord who had risen to prominence during the Great Galactic War

1st appearance of Darth Baras

1st appearance of Satele Shan, a Jedi Master

Characters previewed in The Old Republic: Threat of Peace ashcan with an excerpt of the first half of this issue


Key Facts

1st appearance of Darth Marr, a member of the Sith Empire's Dark Council

1st appearance of Darth Vowrawn, a member of the Sith Empire's Dark Council

1st appearance of Teneb Kel, later becomes Darth Thanaton

1st appearance of the Emperor's Voice, the host body of Darth Vitiate's consciousness through which he speaks

Copies ordered by comic shops as reported by Comichron: 16,160


Key Facts

1st appearance and death of the second Darth Wyyrlock

Key Facts

1st appearance of Savage Opress, brother of Darth Maul

1st appearance of Aang in standard comic book format

Flip book with The Last Airbender on the opposite side

Free Comic Book day 2011

Prior to Dark Horse, The Last Airbender was published in Nickelodeon Magazine in comic book form and Tokyo Pop Manga editions

[August 2021 - the live-action Avatar Netflix series has been cast]

Key Facts

1st appearance of Darth Mekhis, a scientist and member of the Dark Council

Dark Horse ⋅ 2013


Key Facts

1st appearance of Ania Solo, a junk dealer and great-great granddaughter of Han Solo

1st appearance of Darth Wredd, a renegade Sith Lord - Wredd is identified as a Sith in Star Wars Legacy #5

1st appearance of Yalta Val, an Imperial Knight

Dark Horse ⋅ 2013


Key Facts

1st appearance of Darth Luft, a Twi'lek Sith Lord


Key Facts

1st mention of Darth Atrius, an ancient Sith Lord who first wielded the crossguard lightsabers as seen used by Kylo Ren

📖 Reading Order: after 'The Bridge' read this issue, then Han Solo #1

Key Facts

1st appearance and origin of Lord Momin, the Sith Lord who built Vader's castle and mentored Emperor Palpatine

1st appearance of Darth Shaa, the first female Sith Lord in the current Marvel canon of Star Wars stories

Key Facts

1st appearance of Orla Jareni, a Jedi Knight and Wayseeker

1st appearance of Darth Krall, one of the Lost Twenty who left the Jedi Order

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