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Marvel ⋅ 1978


Key Facts

1st appearance of Bashenga, at one point known as the first Black Panther but an earlier Black Panther was introduced in the Avengers 1 million B.C. story arc

⚠ CGC mislabels this issue as the first appearance of Jakarra, the half-brother of T'Challa who was introduced in Black Panther #6 (1977)


Key Facts

1st appearance Zigi and Zagi

⚠ Misconception: CGC mislabels Action Comics #316 as the first appearance of Zigi and Zagi

DC ⋅ 1943


Key Facts

Second cover art on Batman by Dick Sprang

⚠ Misconception: CGC describes this as the first cover art on Batman by Dick Sprang but Sprang first provided partial pencils and inks on the cover of Batman #18


Key Facts

Cover art by Steve Geiger, interior art by Todd McFarlane

⚠ Misconception: McFarlane first provided cover art on The Incredible Hulk title with issue #330 but did not pencil another cover until issue #340


Key Facts

1st appearance of Solomon Kane in comics

⚠ Misconception: CGC states Dracula Lives #3 is Solomon Kane's first magazine appearance though it was published three months after this issue

Dark Horse ⋅ 2004


Key Facts

One-shot that takes place during the Clone Wars

⚠ Misconception: a character named Cal makes a first appearance in this issue but he does not resemble the character Cal Kestis

Key Facts

Reprinted stories from The Real Ghostbusters U.K. Magazine

Polybagged with 3-D glasses for the story 'The Rise and Fall of Ghostbusting'

⚠ Misconception: cited by some resources as published in 1986 but this information pertains to the September 1986 copyright of the animated TV series for licensing purposes - NOW Comics did not obtain the rights to publish Ghostbusters until 1988

Error ⋅ Marvel ⋅ 1984


Key Facts

There is an abundance of the error edition where Galactus appears blue/white, possibly an even greater amount than that of the standard purple-colored Galactus

Marvel ⋅ 1965

Values Coming Soon

Key Facts

⚠ Misconception: many eBay listings claim this issue as the first cover appearance of Clea but the two women depicted are named Shazana and Nazaka

Marvel ⋅ 1983


Key Facts

Boba Fett briefly appears in a flashback

First mention of the Mandalorians

1st appearance of Fenn Shysa, a Mandalorian

1st full appearance of Dengar, a bounty hunter

⚠ Misconception: CGC labels this issue as the origin of Boba Fett but the character featured in the book is a Mandalorian named Fenn Shysa

Marvel ⋅ 1974


Key Facts

1st appearance of the Shade-Thralls, humans who serve the Dweller In Darkness

⚠ Misconception: many claim that Wolverine is first seen in an advertisement for The Incredible Hulk #181 printed in Thor #229 and Daredevil #115. These issues did not go on sale prior to the publication of Incredible Hulk #181. Comic Reader #109 reports the on-sale date of Thor #229 as August 6, 1974. The on-sale date of The Incredible Hulk #181 was July 30, 1974 which was the same day Daredevil #115 went on sale. Regardless, Wolverine was officially first seen in print briefly (cameo) in The Incredible Hulk #180 (July 2, 1974). Advertisements and preview excerpts are not considered official first appearances

Marvel Value Stamp Series A #80 - Ghost Rider

Marvel ⋅ 1986


Key Facts

Thor is transformed into a frog in the previous issue and spends this entire issue as an amphibian

In Thor #365, he lifts Mjolnir and becomes a frog version of Thor

1st appearance of Puddlegulp, Simon Walterson, a frog who later wields a hammer named Frogjolnir as Throg

⚠ Misconception: sources cite this as the first appearance of Throg. Thor is transformed into a frog in #363 and wields a sliver of Mjolnir as a frog version of Thor in #365. Simon Walterson does not appear as 'Throg' until Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #1 (2009)


Key Facts

1st full team appearance of the Soviet Super-Soldiers: Darkstar, Crimson Dynamo, Ursa Major, Vanguard

1st appearance of Pieter Phobos

Error ⋅ Dark Horse ⋅ 1988


Key Facts

⚠ Misconception: mislabeled as Aliens first appearance

Aliens first appeared in a standard-sized comic (non-parody) in Aliens #1 (1988)

Current CGC labels have corrected this error

Mislabeled listings bought/sold on eBay account for approximately 20% of inventory

There is no difference in value of correct and incorrect labels

Key Facts

Sequel to Batman: Mask of the Phantasm

⚠ Misconception: some sources misidentify this issue as the first appearance of Phantasm which occurs in Batman: Mask of the Phantasm #1 (1993)

Feature ⋅ 1940


Key Facts

1st appearance of Frankenstein in comics, back-up story set in 1930s New York City

1st appearance of Dr. Frost

1st appearance and origin of the Green Lama in a comic book

⚠ Misconception: many resources mislabel Green Lama's first appearance due to multiple appearances in single-page promotional ads for Double Detective pulp magazine

Adventure Publications ⋅ 1992


Key Facts

⚠ Misconception: incorrectly cited as the first published image of Spawn in an advertisement

The same advertisement appeared in multiple comics that went on-sale in April 1992: Re-Animator #2, Rocket Ranger #3, Rust #1, The Southern Squadron: Freedom of Information #4, Torg #3

In March 1992, one month prior to Rust #1, Spawn advertisements were printed in two comic books: Robotech II The Sentinels #13 and Torg #2

Prior to the publication of Robotech II #13 and Torg #2, Spawn appeared in numerous catalogs and fanzines

Character Search "Spawn" for more information on early appearances

Key Facts

1st cover and second appearance of the Wasp, Nadia Pym

⚠ Misconception: cited by some as Nadia's first appearance but she first appears in an original story in Free Comic Book Day 2016: Civil War II

Key Facts

Squint first uses the alias Malak

⚠ Misconception: listings on eBay claim this issue is the first appearance of Darth Malak but according to writer John Jackson Miller: Malak does not fall to the Dark Side in my comics series. He first appears under the name Squint in KOTOR #0. He first uses the alias Malak in #31. He takes the name Malak permanently in #42

Key Facts

First interior art by Jim Lee at Marvel Comics, specifically the character profile for 'Eel'

⚠ Misconception: Jim Lee's first published artwork for is considered to be Alpha Flight #51, an issue he illustrated in full, but Lee contributed one panel of art for Marvel published prior to Alpha Flight #51

Marvel ⋅ 2019


Key Facts

2nd appearance of Detective Cole North

⚠ Misconception: the cover art for the second printing of this issue features Detective Cole North but his first appearance is issue #1 (2019)


Key Facts

1st appearance of Tarantula

2nd appearance of the Punisher

⚠ Misconception: many sources cite The Amazing Spider-Man #135 as the second appearance of the Punisher and categorize this appearance as a cameo


Key Facts

1st cameo appearance of the black symbiote costume in the comic based off of the animated series

Cover art inspired by The Amazing Spider-Man #300

⚠ Misconception: many eBay listings incorrectly identify this issue as the first appearance of the animated version of Venom which occurs in #9


Key Facts

1st cameo appearance of Arnim Zola

⚠ Misconception: cited by many sources as the first appearance of Armin Zola but it is similar to what is widely considered the first cameo appearance of Wolverine in The Incredible Hulk #180 in that he appears on the final page


Key Facts

1st appearance of Spencer Smythe and the Spider-Slayers

1st cameo appearance of Mary Jane Watson, face is obscured by a tree

⚠ Misconception: cited by some sources as the first appearance of Mary Jane but she does not appear in full until The Amazing Spider-Man #42


Key Facts

1st cameo appearance of Grail, daughter of Darkseid

⚠ Misconception: cited by some sources as the first appearance of Grail but she is obscured by shadows in the final panel. First full appearance of Grail - Free Comic Book Day 2015: Divergence #1


Key Facts

1st cameo appearance of Damian Wayne, the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, in shadows

⚠ Misconception: cited by many resources as Damian's first full appearance but aside from one panel that shows his eyes only, he is otherwise fully obscured by shadows. It should also be noted that the 1987 graphic novel 'Batman: Son of the Demon' introduced a child of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul but the story did not take place in the main DC story universe until Grant Morrison integrated portions of the graphic novel into the origin of Damian

Marvel ⋅ 1992


Key Facts

1st cover appearance of the War Machine armor, worn by Tony Stark

⚠ Misconception: cited by many as the first appearance of War Machine. "War Machine" is splashed across the IRON MAN title in reference to the armor’s incredible armaments but the name is not official. The armor, (piloted by Tony Stark in this issue, not James Rhodes) actually debuts in the previous issue, Iron Man #281. In Iron Man #284, James Rhodes suits up in the War Machine armor but does so as Iron Man and does not officially assume the War Machine codename until West Coast Avengers #94, though he is referred to as War Machine in X-Force #21 but as Iron Man in X-Force #20

Marvel ⋅ 1988


Key Facts

1st cover and second appearance of Angel as the Horseman, Death

In X-Factor #38, Beast gives Warren Worthington III the new codename Archangel

Worthington appears in full as the Horseman, Death in X-Factor #23 and in multiple cameos leading up to the issue


Key Facts

Gorr speaks from the shadows, unseen

⚠ Misconception: listings on eBay claim that this is the second appearance of Gorr but it is not


Key Facts

2nd appearance of Spider-Man's black costume, tied with Spectacular Spider-Man #90

According to solicitations from 1984, The Amazing Spider-Man #252 went on sale January 31

Marvel Team-up #141 and The Spectacular Spider-Man #90 both went on sale February 14

Marvel ⋅ 1972


Key Facts

1st team appearance of the Vishanti: Agamotto, Hoggoth, Oshtur

First mention of Shuma-Gorath

⚠ Misconception: this issue is often cited as Shuma-Gorath's first appearance but the character is only mentioned


Key Facts

Cited as a Mysterio appearance but the character only appears in disguise, not in costume

Marvel ⋅ 1973


Key Facts

2nd cameo appearance of Son of Satan

This issue is often cited as the first full appearance of Damion Hellstrom and though the character does appear in many panels, he is obscured by shadows throughout the issue


Key Facts

1st appearance of Red Sonja

⚠ Misconception: cited by many resources as a cameo appearance of Red Sonja but she appears in over 20 panels, fights and is introduced by name

[August 2022 - filming is scheduled to begin with Matilda Lutz cast in the main role]


Key Facts

1st cameo appearance of Lilandra, fully obscured by a spacesuit

1st appearance of the second Erik the Red, a warrior for the Shi'ar

First use of the name Polaris by Lorna Dane

Revealed that Colossus's first name is Peter

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