First appearances of significant characters introduced in DC's Absolute Superman, Absolute Batman, Absolute Wonder Woman, Absolute Flash, Absolute Green Lantern and Absolute Martian Manhunter 

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Key Facts

Introduction of Brainiac, full appearance

Key Facts

Introduction of Absolute Martian Manhunter aka Martian Mindhunter

Key Facts

Introduction of Absolute Green Lantern

Introduction of Black Hand

Introduction of John Stewart

Key Facts

Introduction of Absolute Flash

Introduction of the the Rogues: Captain Boomerang, Mirror Master, Captain Cold, Trickster, Golden Glider

Preview of Absolute Flash #1 in Absolute Wonder Woman #5

DC ⋅ 2025


Key Facts

Introduction of Jimmy Olsen, Omega Alpha of the Omega Men

Introduction of General Lane

1st appearance of Omega Prime aka Primus

DC ⋅ 2025


Key Facts

Introduction of Martha Kent

Introduction of Jonathan Kent, cameo appearance in a photograph

Introduction of Smallville

DC ⋅ 2024


Key Facts

Introduction of Peacemaker, Christopher Smith

Origin of Sol, Superman's cape

Key Facts

Premiere issue of an ongoing series in the Absolute Universe, a dimension built on Darkseid energy

Introduction of Agent Lois Lane

Introduction of Jor-El, Lara-El, Krypto

1st appearance of Sol, Kal-El's A.I. cape

Introduction of Lazarus Corp and the Peacemakers

Introduction of Brainiac, cameo appearance

Introduction of the Bottled Cities, possible cameo appearance of Kandor

Absolute Superman #1 preceded by an Absolute Superman/Absolute Wonder Woman black and white ashcan preview

Key Facts

Introduction of Hades


Key Facts

Introduction of Hecate

Introduction of Etta Candy

1st appearance of Gia Candy


Key Facts

1st full appearance of the Tetracide

Introduction of Barbara Minverva, Cheetah in the mainstream universe

Diana assumes the Wonder Woman moniker


Key Facts

Introduction of Steve Trevor

1st cameo appearance of the Tetracide

Key Facts

Premiere issue of an ongoing series in the Absolute Universe, a dimension built on Darkseid energy

Introduction of Circe

Introduction of Pegasus

Origin of Wonder Woman

Absolute Wonder Woman #1 preceded by an Absolute Superman/Absolute Wonder Woman black and white ashcan preview

Key Facts

Introduction of Mr. Freeze

Introduction of Joker, in full

Possible introduction of Bane, mentioned in issue #6

Key Facts

Full appearance of Selina Kyle as a child

Introduction of Julia Pennyworth in full

1st appearance of AL, an artificial intelligence robot created by Edward Nygma

Key Facts

Premiere issue of an ongoing series in the Absolute Universe, a dimension built on Darkseid energy

Introduction of Alfred Pennyworth, an M16 agent

Introduction of Black Mask

Introduction of Waylon Jones, Killer Crock in the mainstream universe

Introduction of Martha Wayne, Commissioner Gordon, Barbara Gordon, Harvey Bullock

Introduction of Selina Kyle, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Harvey Dent - as children in a photograph

Introduction of Joker, first cameo appearance

Introduction of Julia Pennyworth, cameo appearance

Introduction and death of Thomas Wayne

1st team appearance of the Party Animals, led by Black Mask

Absolute Batman #1 preceded by a 16-page black and white ashcan preview

Key Facts

Introduction of Absolute Superman

Introduction of Absolute Batman

Introduction of Absolute Wonder Woman

Introduction of the Absolute Universe

Debut of the Justice League satellite

Death of Kalibak

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