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Marvel ⋅ 1994


Key Facts

Reprint of Marvel Graphic Novel #5 (1982)

Nick's Picks

✅ Nick's Picks: if you are interested in becoming more acquainted with classic X-Men stories, this one delves deep into the anti-mutant agenda and heavily inspired the X2 film with a bonus Adam Hughes cover on this reprint

Dark Horse ⋅ 2004


Key Facts

1st team appearance of the Incredibles

Nick's Picks

✅ Nick's Picks: Five years after The Incredibles 2 premiered, The Incredibles 3 was announced at D23 fan expo

Chick Publications ⋅ 1978

Values Coming Soon

Nick's Picks

✅ Nick's Picks: the art and story contained in the pages of this mid-70s series is skillful

Key Facts

1st appearance of Erica Slaughter

1st appearance of James, a boy who witnessed the death of his classmates

1st appearance of an Oscuratype, a monster

Copies ordered by retailers: 33,648

[April 2021 - inside sources tell Key Collector Comics that Something Is Killing The Children is in development for a TV series / February 2023 - writers have been hired to adapt for Netflix]

Nick's Picks

✅ Nick's Picks: the first draft of Something is Killing the Children episode 2 created for Netflix is finished according to the Instagram page of writer James Tynion IV


Key Facts

1st full appearance and cover of John Walker as U.S. Agent, appeared briefly in West Coast Avengers #44

[September 2022 - confirmed for the Thunderbolts movie]

Nick's Picks

✅ Nick's Picks: with the official Thunderbolts trailer debuting at D23 and likely releasing worldwide in the coming weeks, demand may increase for issues introducing characters from the film


Key Facts

1st team appearance of the Future Foundation, a group of young, free-thinking scientists assembled by Reed Richards: Alex Power, Valeria Richards, Franklin Richards, Artie Maddicks, Dragon Man and others

[April 2024 - a Future Foundation logo is used in a marketing easter egg by Marvel Studios promoting comics affiliated with the Fantastic Four film]

Nick's Picks

✅ Nick's Picks: Spider-Man will don the Future Foundation suit first seen in FF #1 (2011) in the upcoming animated series 'Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man' which will pique the interest of where the group was introduced

Marvel ⋅ 2011


Key Facts

1st team appearance of the Future Foundation: Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Thing, Spider-Man

Debut of Spider-Man's Future Foundation costume which repairs itself, changes appearance on demand and generates unlimited webbing

Nick's Picks

✅ Nick’s Picks: this issue introduced the suit

Key Facts

1st appearance of Sword Master, later becomes Iron Fist

Sword Master previously appeared on the cover of War of the Realms: Agents of Atlas #1 but not in-story

Nick's Picks

✅ Nick's Picks: for awhile this issue was selling for over $50 ungraded and may increase again with Lin Lie aka Iron Fist likely to be more prominently featured in comics and maybe even in the MCU

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