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DC ⋅ 1965


Key Facts

First solo series featuring Metamorpho

Marvel ⋅ 1990


Key Facts

1st appearance of 'Buried Alien,' appears once more in a Marvel comic as Fast Forward in Quasar #58

The Runner challenges all of Earth's speedsters to a race that is won by a stranger who bursts through a dimensional rift, crowning him 'the fastest man alive'

The stranger has amnesia but vaguely remembers his name sounds something like 'Buried Alien' - Barry Allen, The Flash

Key Facts

1st appearance of Cortland Kasady, an ancestor of Carnage who is later resurrected by Knull and named Plague

Marvel ⋅ 2017


Key Facts

1st appearance of Gabriel O'Hara, the son of Spider-Man 2099 and Tempest Monroe

Key Facts

A man is forced to discover his true potential after a freak work accident involving a fishing boat, a supposedly non-existent sea creature and an interdimensional gateway strands him on the world of Flogoria

Key Facts

1st appearance of Ahab, a cyborg mutant tracker

Key Facts

1st full appearance of Marchion Ro, leader of the Nihil

Marvel ⋅ 1983


Key Facts

First meeting and team-up of Daredevil and Wolverine

1st appearance of Lord Dark Wind, a scientist who invented the process of adamantium bonding to bone

There are 5 types of adamantium in the mainstream Marvel universe:

Proto - Captain America's shield is made of this kind

Primary - the kind that's bonded to Wolverine's skeleton

Secondary - an adamantium/steel alloy

Beta - a version of True adamantium that changes on a molecular level when grafted to bone

Adamantine - an adamantium/gold alloy

Key Facts

First solo title featuring Guy Gardner

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