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Key Facts

Origin of Galactus

Reprinted stories of Galactus's origin from various issues

Part of this issue is a retelling of Thor #169 when Galan becomes Galactus as his Universe is being destroyed by a 'plague'

Expanding on the event from Thor #169, the Sentience of the Universe speaks to Galan and absorbs him to be reborn later as Galactus

In Thor #5 (2020), the Black Winter claims to have spared Galan and created Galactus leading readers to believe the Sentience of the Universe, speaking but unseen, is also the Black Winter

Partial reprint of Fantastic Four #49, Thor #160, Thor #162 and Thor #167

Nick's Picks

A nice collected publication of Galactus's origin for a primer to the Fantastic Four: First Steps

Key Facts

1st cameo appearance of Mr. Negative

1st appearance of Overdrive

1st appearance of Jackpot, a geneticist and mother who received powers after being accidentally exposed to an experimental serum

Nick's Picks

In May 2020, a Jackpot movie was announced with Mark Guggenheim writing which will likely never happen but it is possible the character may have been salvaged for Spider-Man 4 with Sadie Sink in the role - Jean Grey and Mary Jane Watson from an alternate reality have been speculated online

Marvel ⋅ 2015


Key Facts

The first incursion occurs, the collision of alternate Universes with Earth being the point of impact resulting in the elimination of hundreds of thousands of multiverses

Nick's Picks

The following is a major ⚠️ SPOILER ALERT ⚠️

A trusted source has divulged the following plot outline for the upcoming Avengers films (subject to change)

The film opens with Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire), Magneto (Ian McKellen), Captain America (Chris Evans) and Thor witnessing an incursion which wipes out Maguire's universe

Doctor Doom is introduced as a good guy but the incursions are happening as a result of him attempting to save his family or a member of his family

Doom has multiple masks that he wears and each one represents different aspects of his personality - there is a translucent one in addition to the classic titanium alloy mask

At some point, Captain America knocks Doom's mask off to reveal Tony Stark but in this reality, Doom is a descendent of Reed Richards

Captain America and Thor go on a quest to find Reed Richards to stop future incursions and Doom

*all of this information can and likely will change as the screenplay is further developed

Price Trend

Key Facts

1st cameo appearance of Invincible, Mark Grayson in story

1st cameo appearance of Firebreather, later adapted into a Cartoon Network movie

Nick's Picks

With the popularity of Invincible it is a bit of a surprise that this issue hasn't seen much movement and with a definite season 4 of the series, the fanbase of this franchise will only get bigger (it took a couple of years for The Walking Dead to hit critical mass)


Key Facts

1st appearance of Paul, the husband of Mary Jane Watson

Nick's Picks

Many fans believe (or fear) that the identity of All-New Venom will be one of Spider-Man history's most hated character's, Paul Tobin though quite a few clues could be pointing to Mary Jane Watson especially considering her Jackpot powers

Price Trend

Key Facts

1st appearance of Billie Morales as a baby, the sister of Miles Morales

Nick's Picks

The sister of Miles Morales will be front and center in the upcoming Ultimate Spider-Man: Incursion five-issue series coming this June

Venom #9


Variant ⋅ Marvel ⋅ 2018

Price Trend

Key Facts

Variant cover art by Bill Sienkiewicz

Nick's Picks

There aren't too many variants that feature Ivan Kragoff aka Red Ghost (the character John Malkovich could be playing in Fantastic Four: First Steps) but there is this one from a classic artist in an issue that introduces Eddie Brock's son, Dylan in full

1:25 ⋅ Marvel ⋅ 2019


Key Facts

Variant cover art by Bill Sienkiewicz featuring H.E.R.B.I.E.

Nick's Picks

Similarly Sienkiewicz's H.E.R.B.I.E. variant

Key Facts

1st appearance of Maestro, a future version of the Hulk

1st appearance of Janis, the granddaughter of Rick Jones

Nick's Picks

Will a World War Hulk movie ever see the light of day? Possibly and if so, a post-apocalyptic version of a calculatingly evil Hulk could make the cut in live-action

International ⋅ Marvel ⋅ 1990


Key Facts

French-Canadian edition

Edmonton Oilers hockey jersey honoring Wayne Gretzky's number 99

Nick's Picks

This variant was recently submitted to our COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS (icon in the lower right corner of the app) which is a fun collectible for fans of McFarlane, Wayne Gretzky and/or Canada

Add issues, creator credits and other info to the database using the simple, user-friendly COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS

Price Trend

Key Facts

1st appearance of Air-Walker, replaced the Silver Surfer to serve as herald to Galactus

Nick's Picks

I would love to see multiple Heralds in live-action including Air-Walker who would be a frightening character to behold, walking through the sky surrounded by flames - Terrax and Firelord would also suffice

See more of Galactus's envoys in the HERALDS category

1:25 ⋅ DC ⋅ 2025

Price Trend

Nick's Picks

A cool cover selected intended to promote our ABSOLUTE INTRODUCTIONS Category that was requested and to welcome Category suggestions or anything else to [email protected]

1:100 ⋅ Marvel ⋅ 2024


Nick's Picks

Viking Venom first appears in this issue and will reappear in the upcoming Spider-Verse vs. Venomverse series (May 14)

Marvel ⋅ 1973


Key Facts

Debut of new power, Ghost Rider summons a motorcycle from hellfire

2nd full appearance of Son of Satan

Nick's Picks

Fans of Ghost Rider may not know that the Spirit of Vengeance did not come fully equipped with a flaming bike to match the skull

Key Facts

1st team appearance of Excalibur: Captain Britain, Meggan, Rachel Summers as Phoenix, Kitty Pryde, Lockheed, Nightcrawler

Back cover appearance of Widget who is later introduced in Excalibur #1 Note: there are two first print versions: the version pictured here is more scarce and doesn't display a price on the cover. The other shows a price of $3.25

Everything $3.50 and above are later printings

Nick's Picks

Excalibur is a team that invokes the nostalgia of comic collecting during the Copper Age and very likely will see some kind of adaptation in the future whether it is animated or live-action


Key Facts

1st appearance of Streaky the Supercat

Nick's Picks

Krypto is already a hit so why not introduce Streaky in the Supergirl movie

Devil's Due Publishing ⋅ 2004


Key Facts

1st cameo appearance of Pythona and Nemesis Enforcer, high ranking members of the ancient Cobra-La civilization - characters first introduced in G.I. Joe: The Movie (1987)

Nick's Picks

80s nostalgia seems to be the theme for this Nick's Picks and those of you who loved the very memorable and quotable animated movie know the incredible impact of Cobra-La who took way too long to be introduced in comics but are fortunately already part of the new Image Energon Universe


Key Facts

Introduction of Lex Luthor's Warsuit

Nick's Picks

The iconic suit really should be honored on-screen


Key Facts

Images of the Hulk in the upper-left logo box create a flip-book beginning with this issue and ending with issue #300

Nick's Picks

A fun Easter Egg in the corner box that begins on this issue's cover creates a flip-book animation of the Hulk dropping his beaker and tearing off his lab coat that ends with issue #300 - tap cover to view all corner boxes

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