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Key Facts

1st appearance of Animal Man in costume, previously appeared not in costume

DC ⋅ 2021


Key Facts

1st full appearance of Flatline

1st appearance of Respawn

1st appearance of Mother Soul

Error ⋅ DC ⋅ 1992


Key Facts

Error edition with Mark Badger credited on the cover despite his art not being used - reprinted covers can be identified by a blank space in place of his name

Value unknown - there are no known sales in the past two years of sold data


Key Facts

76-page graphic novel that takes place between Dazzler (1981) #34 and #35

Marvel ⋅ 2023


Key Facts

1st appearance of Power Man, a version of Luke Cage with the power of the Sentry, the Void, Iron Fist and Hulk

1st cameo appearance of James Stark, Iron Man who was fully introduced in Avengers #1

1st cameo team appearance of The New Champions

1st cameo appearance of Dracula 2099


Key Facts

1st appearance and cover of Talia al Ghul, daughter of Ra's al Ghul

Key Facts

1st appearance of Professor Pyg, a deranged surgeon that makes people into Dollotrons

Pyg briefly appeared, albeit deceased, in Batman #666 but did not resemble the version of the character seen in this issue

[October 2022 - Matt Reeves expressed interest in developing a Professor Pyg film]

Key Facts

After a man discovers that every conspiracy theory that he'd ever studied was true, he sets out to infiltrate the organization that has been been keeping them covered up - the Department of Truth

🚨 November 2020 - Key Collector Comics Exclusive News: a high-dollar bidding war has ended for the ultra-relevant conspiracy theory series that is attracting A-Level talent for a movie

[February 19, 2021 - The Hollywood Reporter confirms our report from November that Department of Truth has been optioned, secured by Elisabeth Murdoch in a competitive bidding war]

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